# Install this plugin
npm install @pinelab/vendure-plugin-drop-off-points
Vendure Drop Off Points Plugin
Show nearby parcel drop off points to your customers. Supports multiple carriers and allows custom carriers. Also known as collection points or pickup points.
Getting started
Add the plugin to your vendure-config.ts
// vendure-config
import {
} from '@pinelab/vendure-plugin-drop-off-points';
plugins: [
carriers: [
new DHLCarrier(),
// You can add more custom carriers here
Run a database migration to add the drop off point custom fields to an order. If you want to use your own custom fields, see "Using your own custom fields" below.
Storefront usage
- Fetch nearby drop off points:
query { parcelDropOffPoints( input: { carrier: "DHL", postalCode: "8932BR", houseNumber: "48" } ) { token dropOffPointId name streetLine1 streetLine2 postalCode houseNumber houseNumberSuffix city country latitude longitude distanceInKm cutOffTime additionalData } }
- Set the selected drop off point on the order:
If your customer decides to not use a drop off point, you should callmutation { setParcelDropOffPoint(token: ${selectedPoint.token} ) { id code customFields { dropOffPointCarrier dropOffPointId dropOffPointName dropOffPointStreetLine1 dropOffPointStreetLine2 dropOffPointHouseNumber dropOffPointHouseNumberSuffix dropOffPointPostalCode dropOffPointCity dropOffPointCountry } } }
to void all the fields again.
Using your own custom fields
By default, this plugin creates the following custom fields on an order: dropOffPointCarrier, dropOffPointId, dropOffPointName, dropOffPointStreetLine1, dropOffPointStreetLine2, dropOffPointHouseNumber, dropOffPointHouseNumberSuffix, dropOffPointPostalCode, dropOffPointCity, dropOffPointCountry
If you would like to use your own custom fields for drop off points, you can implement the setDropOffPointOnOrder
and unsetDropOffPoint
functions, like so:
// vendure-config.ts
carriers: [new DHLCarrier()],
// Use your own custom fields here
customMutations: {
setDropOffPointOnOrder: (ctx, order, dropOffPoint) => {
order.customFields.pickupPointName = dropOffPoint.name;
// Other fields go here
return order;
unsetDropOffPoint: (ctx, order) => {
order.customFields.pickupPointName = null;
// Other fields go here
return order;
If you supply customMutations
in the plugin config, you don't have to do a database migration, because the plugin will not add any custom fields to the order.
Custom carriers
You can easily implement your own drop off point carriers, by implementing the DropOffPointCarrier
// my-custom-carrier.ts
import { RequestContext } from '@vendure/core';
import {
} from '@pinelab/vendure-plugin-drop-off-points';
export class CustomCarrier implements DropOffPointCarrier {
readonly name = 'CustomCarrier';
async getDropOffPoints(
ctx: RequestContext,
input: ParcelDropOffPointSearchInput
): Promise<DropOffPoint[]> {
let url = `https://my-carrier-api.com/pickup-points=postalcode=${input.postalCode}`;
if (input.houseNumber) {
url += `&houseNumber=${input.houseNumber}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to fetch drop-off points: [${response.status}] ${response.statusText}`
const points = (await response.json()) as any;
return points.map((point) => ({
dropOffPointId: point.id,
name: point.name,
houseNumber: point.address.number,
houseNumberSuffix: point.address.addition,
streetLine1: point.address.street,
streetLine2: undefined,
postalCode: point.address.postalCode,
city: point.address.city,
country: point.address.countryCode,
cutOffTime: point.collectionSchedule.time,
latitude: point.geoLocation.latitude,
longitude: point.geoLocation.longitude,
distanceInKm: point.distance,
You can then pass it into the plugin:
// vendure-config
plugins: [
carriers: [new CustomCarrier()],
Why are ID's/tokens so long?
TL;DR: Avoid an extra API call to drop off point carrier.
The drop off point's token
is a base64 encoded string of the address details of a point. This is used to save the drop off point on an order when you call the setParcelDropOffPoint
mutation, without the need to refetch the points from the external API.
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