# Install this plugin
    npm install @pinelab/vendure-plugin-campaign-tracker

Vendure Campaign Tracker plugin

Vendure plugin to track revenue per campaign server side, so that you can compare different campaigns from different sources. To track campaigns:

  • Create a campaign via the Vendure admin UI
  • Pass the created campaign code in the url, e.g. my-website.com?ref=summer-sale-ad. This URL is then included in your ads or email campaigns.
  • Make your storefront send the campaign code to Vendure with the addCampaign mutation


Getting started

Add the plugin to your vendure-config.ts

import { CampaignTrackerPlugin, LastInteractionAttribution } from '@pinelab/vendure-plugin-campaign-tracker';

plugins: [
    // Pick an attribution model. Choose from `LastInteractionAttribution`, `FirstInteractionAttribution`, `LinearAttribution`
    // Or, implement your own by implementing the AttributionModel interface.
    // See JsDoc of each model for more information
    attributionModel: new LastInteractionAttribution()
    port: 3002,
    route: 'admin',
    app: compileUiExtensions({
      outputPath: path.join(__dirname, '__admin-ui'),
      extensions: [
        ... // your other plugin UI extensions
... // your other plugins
  1. Run a database migration.
  2. Rebuild the admin UI
  3. Start Vendure, and navigate to 'Campaign' (below Promotions)
  4. Create a campaign, e.g. my-first-campaign.
  5. Make sure that every page on your storefront includes the following code:
const url = new URL(window.location.href);
const params = new URLSearchParams(url.search);
const ref = params.get('ref');

const activeOrder = await yourGraphqlClient.query(
    mutation addCampaignToOrder($campaignCode: String!) {
      addCampaignToOrder(campaignCode: $campaignCode) {
  { campaignCode: ref }

This will add any visits to your website with ?ref=my-first-campaign campaign to the order. This mutation will create a new active order if none exists yet.

If my-first-campaign doesn't exists as campaign in Vendure, the call is ignored and no active order is returned (or created).